Easy Coconut Chicken Curry with Potatoes

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Easy Coconut Chicken Curry with Potatoes – Bestrecipe005

  • 4 boneless chicken thighs, cut into 1 1/2-inch pieces
  • 1 cup of onions, sliced
  • 1 white potato, cut into 1-inch cubes
  • 5 cloves of garlic
  • 1 can of Full Fat Coconut Milk
  • 4 tablespoons of Curry Powder or Curry Paste
  • 4 tablespoons of cooking oil/fat of choice (Olive oil,
    Butter, Coconut oil, Ghee, etc.) – Butter is my preference, but coconut also
    works well for this dish.
  • Salt, as desired

  1. Do all your prep first, if you haven’t already: Cut your
    potatoes up in to small cubes,  slice up
    your onions, chop up your garlic, and cut your chicken in to small cubes. 
  2. In a large skillet, in low heat heat up 2 tbsp of cooking
    fat/oil of choice.  Once it melts, add
    curry powder in there.  Swirl it around
    until well blended. 
  3. Add in coconut milk. Mix well. 
  4. Add potatoes to the coconut curry blend, and bring to a boil
    and then let simmer. 
  5. In a separate pan, add 2 tbsp of cooking oil/fat of choice
    and sauté the garlic and the onions . 
  6. Once the onions are translucent, throw in the cubed
    chickens. Cook lightly, and remove from heat. 
  7. Add the meat, onion, and garlic mixture to the coconut curry
  8. Let it cook for about 30 minutes or when your potatoes and
    chicken is cooked thoroughly (and try not to die of hunger with all that
    delicious coconut milk aroma in the air!).

This Recipe adapted from >>>> Click Here


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